Weight is one of the biggest concernment of females, especially nowadays the rate of obese women is dramatically growing up. Losing weight is difficult and time-consuming so you have to make efforts and know some tips to make it easier. Above are some important things you need to follow when you are on diet.
1. “Eat Breakfast Like a King, Lunch Like a Prince, and Dinner Like a Pauper"
Definitely, you have heard this familiar saying a million times, and this quote is famous because it is really true. Try to keep this habit: eat a big breakfast, a medium lunch and a little dinner to keep fit. Actually, all people should follow this rule even though they are fat, fit or thin to have a really good health.
You should wake up a bit early to prepare a nutrient breakfast for an energetic working day. Foods you should add to your breakfast lists are oat, egg, banana, Greek-style low-fat yogurt, almond butter, black bread, smoothy, etc. At breakfast, you can eat starches or sugars but not much, absolutely. Make sure that you eat a right amount of food, not too much but not too little.
For lunch, you should have salmon, chicken breast, egg, broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, tomato or potato, rice. You can eat protein or a bit starch at that time but sugar.Try to have dinner at 6-7 p.m because having dinner lately means food cannot be digested well before you go to sleep and fat will easily accumulate in your face and belly. For dinner, you should eat salad, soup or some kinds of fruit (apple, grapefruit) only.
Moreover, between 3 main meals you can absolutely have low-fat yogurt, milk or fruit as a small meals. Remember not to starve yourself.
2. Drink 2-2.5l of water per day
Drinking water brings you a lot of benefits, including losing weight. Drinking enough water leads to better metabolism and body purifying. Moreother, you will have a nice skin if you drink enough water. It is also a good way if you are hungry.
3. Sleep well
Many people think that the less they sleep, the more weight they can lose but it is totally wrong. You have to sleep 7-8 hours per day to maintain your health and sleeping is more important when it helps you lose weight. Furthermore, staying up late also causes obesity. Go to sleep at 10-11 p.m and get up at about 6 a.m, you will see the obvious difference after some weeks. Choose a comfortable pillow and sleep in quiet room with good light and temperature to sleep really well.
4. Do exercise properly
70:30 is the ratio of diet and exercise affecting your losing weight process. Actually, how you eat is more important than how you do exercise. It doesn't mean that you can do no exercise but you also don't have to do too much, 3-4 times per week (1-2 hours/time) is enough to burn fat. You can go to the gym, jog, swim, do aerobic, run, etc.
5. Be patient
It is a fact that everyone want to lose weight as quickly as posible and they usually dampen if their weights do not change after some days. A crucial thing is that you have to be patient. As mentioned above, losing weight is time-consuming, keep trying until it works then you will be much more motivated to going on. It is sure that you will succeed.
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